A plethora of possibilities await as we explore music concepts and activities that use diverse and inclusive literature as jumping off points to creative and engaging music making! This session will illustrate the many ways children's literature can be used with movement, speech, and art activities that engage the learner. Concepts of rhythm, melody, form, dynamics, tempo, and improvisation will be illustrated with activities that can be used for face to face or remote learning.
WHEN: September 12th & 26th from 10am-12pm
WHERE: Virtually via Zoom!
HOW TO ACCESS: The Zoom link will be emailed to all registrants by 8am on September 12th. You must be registered by Friday night to attend. To register for the single session or the series, visit our registration page.
WE WILL ALSO BE HOLDING A BOOK SALE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS WORKSHOP! To access the book sale, please use the button below